What type of account should I use for a long term savings account? - best type of long term savings account
I play aside $ 350 per month for a minimum of 14 months, but if all goes well, maybe even 62 months have already created an emergency fund so that if something does not need this account, I wonder what is the best way the accout for every interest, whether I put on 350 more each month?
I do not know very well the difference between the normal savings accounts, MMA, or even CDs or savings bonds.
Savings account no reports int win mai MMA a checking account or savings int and sometimes starts with 00,325 per month, up to 001 after 3 months. and open the majority of local banks as a physical or a minimum of 5 km. - But that does not mean that u can change on a savings account and MMA online or start. u cd's mainly bank loans for a certain amount for 6 months, 1 year or 4 years at a rate set each int, if you retire early u'll make ur pc cd / sanctions. But with MMA, or withdraw and deposit any amount or the like, and what they earn, or depends on how restricted or st savings bonds are more or less like the CD, unless they are for a long time, and more fundamentallyat least worth the effort because the cost of living increases every year. Some say that bonds are the safest and int is higher in general. I want to go to a MMA, I had before, and you can see or grow ur int, the problem is, most of u 2 HAV maintain a minimum balance, in general, the level of openness. The advantage is that Int is worse, and in most cases, the rate of profit increases when you hit milestones such as 10K, 20K, and so on. u hav to remind them to only 2 to obtain the records. namely, 00,325 does not sound much, but 5k is about $ 00,325 x 16, monthly and more than what you started. Hope this helps
Try a money market account.
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